Main Article Content
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of WPV among doctors including general practitioners, specialist and dentist doctors and its associated factors at multicenter in Erbil city, Iraq.
Design: A cross-sectional design was applied.
Methods: A cross-sectional design was utilized to assess the prevalence of workplace violence among doctors and dentists and its associated factors at multicenter in Erbil city, Iraq. A convenience sample of 247 doctors was used to select the participants based on the inclusion criteria. The study questionnaire contained five parts; background, working condition, working experience over the last six months, health status, threats, violence and bullying. Data analysis was performed by SPSS version 24.
Results: the results revealed that 42.9% (n = 106) of participants have been a victim of violence at least one time, while 40.5 (n = 100) of them reported that have been bullied. Concerning aggressiveness source, 30% (n = 74) of them reported that the patients were the source, 22.7% (n = 56) of them reported that one of the staff members was the source, and 12.1% (n = 30) of them reported that the patients’ family or visitors were the source. Problems health symptoms for doctors who have not experienced violence were higher than (i.e. Better health symptoms) the health symptoms for doctors who have experienced violence. Violence experience is negative predictor. Female doctors are less likely to experience violence compared to male doctors.
Conclusion: Workplace violence is a serious problem among the doctors, and may be affected their psychological status, make the work condition more difficult, decrease the job satisfaction, and added to that the productivity for the doctors may negatively affect by experience the violence at the workplace.
Patient or Public Contribution: Reduce bullying and increase awareness
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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