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Purpose: This retrospective study analyses the profile of uncomplicated/complicated crown fractures in permanent teeth, the frequency of healing complications, and types of treatment methods.
Methods: The trauma forms of patients who were registered with uncomplicated/complicated crown fractures from 2016 to 2019 were evaluated. Long-term treatment outcomes were analyzed from patient radiographs using the Periapical Index. The relationship between categorical variables was tested with the Chi-square test. Logistic regression analysis was performed to search for an association between the type of fracture, length of follow-up period, and presence of healing complications. P<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: In this study, a total of 361 teeth of 228 patients aged between 6-14 years old were evaluated. While 243 (67.3%) of these teeth were evaluated as uncomplicated crown fractures, 118 (32.7%) were classified as complicated crown fractures. The relationship between the treatment and the fracture type was found to be statistically significant (p=0.001). When the effect of the length of follow-up period and the fracture types on treatment success was examined by logistic regression analysis, it was found that the follow-up period (p=0.460) and the fracture type (p=0.058) had no effect on healing complications.
Conclusion: Retrospective studies help define prognostic factors. When the relationship between crown fracture types and healing complications was examined, it was observed that healing complications were more common in complicated fractures.
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