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Background: Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It often leaves survivors with functional impairments that significantly impact their daily lives. Improving the functional independence of stroke survivors is a critical public health concern.
Aim: This study aimed at determining if structured exercises combined with music therapy improves the functional independence of stroke survivors as compared to structured exercises alone.
Methods: The study design was a randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) in which 86 stroke survivors who were purposively recruited from two tertiary hospitals in Rivers State (University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and River State University Teaching Hospital) were randomized into two groups – experimental and control groups in a parallel ratio of 1:1. The intervention was given for a period of 6 months. All ethical procedures were followed in line with the declaration of Helsinki. Baseline values were measured and compared within groups using Paired t-test and between the groups using Independent t-test. Post-intervention value of the variables was measured and within group comparison was made using Paired t-test while Independent t-test was used for comparism between the groups.
Results: There was a statistically significant mean difference within the groups for the functional independence and its two subscales – motor and cognitive subscales (P=0.000). The mean difference between the groups for functional independence and motor subscale was not statistically significant (t= 1.39, P=0.167; t=1.82, P=0.073) while that of cognitive subscale was statistically significant (t=2.46, P=0.016).
Conclusion: Structured exercises combined with music therapy do not significantly improve the functional independence of stroke survivors as compared to structured exercises alone. Music therapy sessions should be incorporated prior to conventional treatments in order to boost cognitive functions of the stroke survivors.
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