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This paper proposes and developed a nonparametric statistical method for determining at what points in a series or sequence of trials or tests in time or space subjects are most likely to attain their highest (peak) or lowest (trough, in economic parlance) scores. Classification criteria and performance assessment index was also developed that would enable researchers, policy planners and implementers statistically gauge achievements by subjects and groups that could help informed introduction of necessary remedial intervention measures. A chi-square test statistic was developed to test any desired hypothesis. The proposed method is illustrated with some sample data and result showed that Chi-Square test statistic is statistically significance at 5% significant level thereby concluding that the difference between the proportions of undergraduate student of Electronics who on the average have highest and lowest scores through their four years of study in the University are not the same and hence are different. In conclusion, some undergraduate students of Electronics would therefore seem to need intensive and structured remedial measures to enable them enhance their academic performance in Electronics in the University.
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