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Santa Manurung
Nelly Yardes
Ace Sudrajat
Dewi Lusiani
Tri Endah Pangastiti
Nadhia Elsa Silviani
Pramita Iriana


In many regions of the world, hypertension is becoming more common. There are 74.5 million American adults older than 20 who have hypertension, although 90% of these instances have no identified etiology. The signs and symptoms of hypertension can differ from person to person and resemble those of other conditions. It is a silent killer. As a result of the high prevalence of hypertension in primary healthcare and the fact that up to 34.1% of Indonesians under the age of 18 suffer from the condition, there are an estimated 63,209,620 instances of hypertension in the country. In the meantime, there have been 427,218 cases of hypertension-related deaths in Indonesia. If left untreated, hypertension. If hypertension is not treated appropriately, it can damage blood vessels all throughout the body yet the risk of damage to the kidneys, heart, brain, and eyes is the most obvious. With the use of both pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological therapy, these dangers can be avoided and reduced. Knowing how to recognize a stroke clearly can help someone who has hypertension reduce their risk of having one. This research goal is to evaluate the effects of stroke preventive education's "Stroke Path" application-based approach on hypertension patients' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. A control group and a pre-posttest quasi-experimental design are used in this investigation. The sample size was established by using the test statistic of the mean-variance variance of the two unique teams, and simple random sampling was applied as the sampling method. For the purposes of processing and analyzing statistical data, paired and independent t-tests were used in this study. Outcomes of the application-based stroke path education intervention in terms of knowledge, attitude, and behavior (p=0.000, respectively). In conclusion, application-based stroke prevention education is effective at enhancing patients' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.

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